Writtle Tennis Club | Re-Opening on Monday, 29th March
It’s almost t ime to get back on court! We are delighted that the club is able to reopen on Monday, 29 th March. We would ask you to read the updated club procedures and guidance available on the website, here . The link takes you to the dedicated page on our website which you can always refer to - https://clubspark.lta.org.uk/writtletennisclub/Corona . Your co-operation , in ensuring that you adhere to all of the guidance and proced ures , is much appreciated . Well, there is a lot of non-covid information to update you on, too... Playing We are delighted that the majority of tennis play can return, and we also have some exciting news! Adult doubles s ocial tennis sessions are returning in the same format on Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays. Please refer to the guidance as the booking system is s...